My Rejected Tiny Love Story

It would have a been a long shot to get published in the New York Times, but I submitted anyway. Here is my rejected Tiny Love Story:

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We met at a college event in 2013. In passing, I recommended he read Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly. Three months later, I got an email saying he read the book and recommended it to his sisters. We emailed over the summer, talking about our favorite tv shows, TED Talks, and books. I felt like a modern Meg Ryan. He was Tom Hanks, if Tom never learn what Facetime was or how to use Skype. At the start of the last semester, we bumped into each other outside the campus coffee shop, we didn’t say much in person. We continued to email throughout the semester with links to Youtube videos including the final table read from The Office cast. He said he cried. He asked for my number, put it into his flip phone, and we were married three years later.